Christmas Cards

Lettering designs for Christmas cards made in 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Letterings per a postals de Nadal 2021 - 2023


Project made on Kraft cardstock. Initially, the designs of the illustration and lettering were sketched in pencil. These sketches were then scanned and vectorized using a plotter. After that, a basic outline was plotted on the cardstock with white ink. Following it as a guide, the whole design was redrawn in black and white ink. As a final touch, some details were highlighted with silver ink.

Lettering per a postal de Nadal 2023
Lettering per a postal de Nadal 2023


This design consists of different layers that were hand-drawn and worked on independently. They were plotted with gold ink and/or cut with a plotter, depending on the layer. Finally, they were joined with adhesive for the final assembly, and details such as the paper flower were added.

Lettering per a postal de Nadal 2022
Lettering per a postal de Nadal 2022
Lettering per a postal de Nadal 2022


Hand-drawn design, plotted in white ink afterwards. Once done, some details in golden ink were added to the composition to give it a more festive touch, as well as the rest of the three-dimensional details like paper, ribbon and cord.

Lettering per a postal de Nadal 2021
Lettering per a postal de Nadal 2021
Lettering per a postal de Nadal 2021
Lettering per a postal de Nadal 2021